I am very much enjoying watching this massive mural morph! I Also Enjoy watching Brandon create it. Since I worked in my office most the day, he did his thing and I did mine. Along with good conversation, Pink Floyd and smoothie's I managed to sneak in a ton of photos when Brandon wasn't looking. He gets in the zone so much that he doesn't see anything other then what's 6 inches in front of him (the wall that is, jeez!). He added color today and it just keeps getting better. I think one more day and it will be done.
The Happiness I'm speaking of in my title is after 69 days the Chilean miners are Free! I'm sure you all know by now. Watched it online CNN being that I don't have cable because I more often then not despise TV news. Was truly a beautiful example of a community coming together! Well done!
As I scrolled through some other online news posts I found this catastrophe in Hungary!!! OMG! So sad! Will affect our rivers badly. Our poor waters need such a break.... Have a look, I think it's important to know... Will make you think twice about aluminum.
The photo's are crazy.
Hope you enjoy the photo's I posted. -td