To Be Inspired
"...whenever there is inspiration...and enthusiasm...there is a creative empowerment that goes far beyond what a mere person is capable of."
— Eckhart Tolle
October 29, 2010
Dear Mr President
So, I get home to a letter from Obama... you know, our President of the United States of America. He wanted to thank me for being a responsible voter and let me know that "Our Democracy depends on people like you exercising your right to vote." He was also kind enough to inform me of my polling location. Well, Mr President... I didn't vote Democratic and I don't plan on voting for Democracy in the near future. I believe your letter is a desperate cry for being popular in the wrong way, kind of like buying your staff Macdonalds and Beer and being in Vanity Fair, GQ, Rollingstone. As a responsible voter I already know where to Vote and as you have claimed in your ever so polished speech's of Change... moving towards a more ecco friendly world will not happen with another piece of junk mail being sent to my house. At the bottom of this letter it says "Paid for by the Democratic State Central Committee of CA...." Great.... another bill for us to pay. Like the tax increase isn't enough. Had to share.... just my opinion.
October 28, 2010
Applaud Your Sunsets!
Winter is definitely in the air. Bud and I always get a walk in from my house down to the beach. The other night, at sunset, the beach was near empty. Every sunset I think of a story a wise women from Spain told me. In her culture if you didn't take the time to watch the sunset that day it was like saying you did not honor that day. At the very last bit of sun as it fell over the horizon it was custom to applaud! The more you applauded the better the sun would light up the sky for you and the after show would begin. I liked her story so much that now I applaud at the sunset. I do get some pretty funny looks at times but it seems like a nice way to end the day and after all the sunsets can be quit magical! Just imagine if we all did that... talk about a shift of energy! I think mother nature has been threw enough and gives back so much that a nice big global sunset applause would lift a many spirits including mother earth! Spread the word and Applaud!
Car Cam Donuts...
Why is car stuff so dang fun!!! I just love the sound of a good strong motor.... Have to admit, was a bit nervous about this one. The nose was no more then 6 inches from me. AAAAAAAAHHHH!
October 27, 2010
October 20, 2010
October 19, 2010
October 15, 2010
Final Days
I love that we have B/W film cause these photo's I think are my Fav so far. This is the final day of this massive mural in my house. Once I have someone come over with a proper camera to take a photo of the whole piece I will add it to this blog because many of you fallowing are asking "What is it?" It's really nothing in particular and it's whatever you want it to be. It kind of keeps morphing into new things. I had a friend yesterday looking at it that said he saw a bunch of snails.... Pretty sure he wasn't smoking anything hahah. Someone else see's a bird and someone else saw a different bird that I didn't see before. Flowers, lotus, eyes, butthole (sorry B had to through that in there) and other body parts if you know what I mean. So in the end, it is what your eye see's and your brain computes. If anyone see's anything else in it that I don't let me know and I will add it to this list.
Thank you Brandon! I love what you added to my wall.... njoy*
Support your Local Struggling Artist
October 12, 2010
Day of Art, Happiness and Catastrophe.....
Brandon Lomax

I am very much enjoying watching this massive mural morph! I Also Enjoy watching Brandon create it. Since I worked in my office most the day, he did his thing and I did mine. Along with good conversation, Pink Floyd and smoothie's I managed to sneak in a ton of photos when Brandon wasn't looking. He gets in the zone so much that he doesn't see anything other then what's 6 inches in front of him (the wall that is, jeez!). He added color today and it just keeps getting better. I think one more day and it will be done.
The Happiness I'm speaking of in my title is after 69 days the Chilean miners are Free! I'm sure you all know by now. Watched it online CNN being that I don't have cable because I more often then not despise TV news. Was truly a beautiful example of a community coming together! Well done!
As I scrolled through some other online news posts I found this catastrophe in Hungary!!! OMG! So sad! Will affect our rivers badly. Our poor waters need such a break.... Have a look, I think it's important to know... Will make you think twice about aluminum.
The photo's are crazy.
Hope you enjoy the photo's I posted. -td
I am very much enjoying watching this massive mural morph! I Also Enjoy watching Brandon create it. Since I worked in my office most the day, he did his thing and I did mine. Along with good conversation, Pink Floyd and smoothie's I managed to sneak in a ton of photos when Brandon wasn't looking. He gets in the zone so much that he doesn't see anything other then what's 6 inches in front of him (the wall that is, jeez!). He added color today and it just keeps getting better. I think one more day and it will be done.
The Happiness I'm speaking of in my title is after 69 days the Chilean miners are Free! I'm sure you all know by now. Watched it online CNN being that I don't have cable because I more often then not despise TV news. Was truly a beautiful example of a community coming together! Well done!
As I scrolled through some other online news posts I found this catastrophe in Hungary!!! OMG! So sad! Will affect our rivers badly. Our poor waters need such a break.... Have a look, I think it's important to know... Will make you think twice about aluminum.
The photo's are crazy.
Hope you enjoy the photo's I posted. -td
October 11, 2010
So, I'm at home "working" while my plumbing is getting fixed (sounds wrong). The Plumber shows up with a radio from the 70's and is currently torturing me with Bad Soft Rock music from the 70/80's mixed with Static and commercials! He's says he will be a couple hours. I'm gonna have to leave my house so I don't freak out. Who does that?? Seriously........
Running Cones at Bobby Ore
Just a little vid from Miami learning some different technics in a car. Took me back to my favorite part of The Wedding Singer, minus the Limo. Check out the Link below and have a flash back.
A day at the house...
It's nice to be home this week or at least the next couple days. Not much to post other then enjoying the warm weather, coffee with friends and working in my new office and house. I recently did a. entire remodel!!!! Love it. Buds at my feet right now, we are just getting ready to run down to the beach, get the heart rate up before I get in the truck and drive all over Socal to take care of Business. I have a friend who's gonna help me get some of the Gopro footage I have up on my site so stay posted!
October 8, 2010
Not really sure what to say about these photo's other then we had some time to kill at 7:45 am before we started the day with Bobby Ore at 8. Random bird head on a bob wire fence. Looks like the bird miss calculated his landing zone that or some red neck kids have a weird sense of humor.
I saw this cow feeder and thought is would make a good hamster wheel for a human. Come on, everyone had a hamster as a kid and you know that wheel and clear plastic ball things looked fun....well, now I know how a hamster feels....I can die now.
Word of advise...stay clear of banana spiders. They are nasty and this one is a baby.
October 5, 2010
2 Wheel Dancing....
Bobby Ore sure knows how to drive not only on 2 wheels (weaving in and out of cones) but he's a dam good 4 wheel driver as well! We are heading into to our 3 day of working with Bobby down here in Sebring, the land of retirees, race fans, golfers and good ol boys who like their whiskey. Coming from a bit of a cowgirl background growing up around tractors and horse shit..... I'm feeling right at home here, minus the heat and the occasional gator spotting. Don't walk to close to the waters edge around here, it helps that our hotel in right on the swamp. So here's some 2 wheelin with me in the car next to Bobby himself, a hollowed out armadilla that the vultures were cleaning up until we went skidding by them, Jake sittin infront of the fan blowing 80 degrees trying to keep the Lovebugs off, some more 2 wheelin, and me with the mustang getting ready to do some proper drifting. At the end of each day, sunburnt, custy and sprinkled with black powder (rubber dust from going through tires) I like to wined down playing a little guitar back at Swamp Inn.
Gotta get running cause we start again with Bobby at 1pm and drive into the night.
I feel sorry for Gary...The one man pitcrew today. _NJOY!
Gotta get running cause we start again with Bobby at 1pm and drive into the night.
I feel sorry for Gary...The one man pitcrew today. _NJOY!
October 3, 2010
180's in Miami
So the Art days have had to be put on hold due to some slipping and sliding in Miami. Not slipping and sliding in the "Usual Miami" terms, more in the controlled substance where rubber and concrete meet kinda way.....This may not make any sense which might have something to do with the wine I just drank. Anyroad, I flew into Miami last week, did the usual Miami thing... topless beaches, crazy clubs where I swear I saw Johnny Rotten dancing to techno music in silver sequence DM's... (the highlight of my Miami experience). However, Miami was not the point of my trip, it was just an addition to it. The point of this trip was to end up in a little town called Sebring. Any race fan would know this so called "little town" because checker flags are on just about every bar, restaurant, truck stop and hospital you pass. It's the home of Sebring Raceway, a legendary track. I'm down here at Sebring running a Technical Driving Coarse at the Bobby Ore Motorsports school. I can't say much more then that right now plus I gotta get up at the butt crack of Dawn to finish the school tomorrow morning. You can look up Bobby Ore Motorsports on line if you want more info.
PS...I got a new guitar for my trip thats a special little travel size made by a company called Cordoba....
Thanks Juan! I leave you with some photo picks from my trip. T\D

PS...I got a new guitar for my trip thats a special little travel size made by a company called Cordoba....
Thanks Juan! I leave you with some photo picks from my trip. T\D
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