To Be Inspired

"...whenever there is inspiration...and enthusiasm...there is a creative empowerment that goes far beyond what a mere person is capable of."
Eckhart Tolle

September 19, 2010

Day 2.5

Its morphing into shape. I haven't had much time to sit with it
to see what its becoming but, the time I have looked at it,  definitely entrancing.......  It could be many things at this stage. I'm some what staying out of Brandon's space so he can do his thing. These photos I took I'm not even sure he knew I was taking them.....he was kind of in the zone.
I'm enjoying the art but at this point simply watching an artist create such a big piece has been the most interesting thing. We'll see what day 3 brings......
Funny, he thought it was only going to take a day but its become much more involved. No color yet, just line work...the frame you might call it.

On another note...... Blogging is odd! I grew up keeping journals so if this sounds like a journal entry.... so be it. I think its going to take some time to get adjusted to this blogging crap. Will see how long I last.  Njoy ~ td

To see more of Brandon's Artwork visit his site at