Up in the quiet of the night inspired by The Fighter. What makes a great fighter? The one with all heart, passion, drive and will. When all physical strength that is left runs out the spirit of the fighter shines through. He's never given the golden silver spoon, not even a copper one. He is maybe given a chance that means more then anyone could ever imagine to only fall flat on his face. The great fighter has fallen before, it's familiar. The great fighter knows loss, embarrassment, humility. He lives in the shadow of ridicule. The great fighter loose's her way but never gives up. The great fighter has a few great friends or family that believe in him, but if he did not he would stand on his own. He who is great is never alone on his lonely path, he has his strength that never quits on him.....it is there, somewhere it always surfaces. He won't let himself give up.
Lossing his way is part of the journey but his heart will never fail him. He feels his way. What does not kill him makes him stronger. The great fighter must see defeat and death to become great, there is no way around this, he must be used up, deceived by those he trusted and loved. He must be crushed in heart and in hand.
Some may know what this great fighter goes through, may feel his pain in the hours of quiet and some may never. I feel badly for those who never feel the great fighters pain. The fall is the beautiful challenge for to stand again is the greatness, the heart of the beating world. This great fighter is proof that all challenges are good even the most horrible ones imagined there is still good. There lies compassion and there lies the greatness of truly living, loving and achieving the successes of never giving up. To stand again you must fall. No heads may turn upon the great fighter but he does not need most, just the few solid friends who never questioned his integrity, strength and heart, who believed. You have a few loyal friends like that and you have an army. Take care of your army and one another.
The world can never have enough heart, compassion and inspiration. The world can never have enough great fighters. There are many and they are all around you.....
I wrote this while listening to the song The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel.
To Be Inspired
"...whenever there is inspiration...and enthusiasm...there is a creative empowerment that goes far beyond what a mere person is capable of."
— Eckhart Tolle
September 27, 2011
September 21, 2011
Allowing and Letting Go
How do I love and let go......? How do I Live and let go......?
Two questions I ask often, WHY?
Come to find out, when you ask WHY, you miss the whole point.
For me letting go has been one of the toughest lessons I have ever invested in. Some people do it with grace while others go deeper and make it more complicated. You read the books, "Be like Water" and all that other "In the Flow of Life" "The New Energy" material and so you "THINK" you know how to do this but again, missing the whole point.
It's like try try trying so hard at something and thinking you have it but your not quite convinced because something just doesn't FEEL right, it's a struggle, or your ego just gets in the way and tells you you got it, you're the shit, then BAM! Smacked down again. But every now and then when you least expect it (if your aware enough to catch it) it happens, you become lighter and it feels good as if it were always there. It's like space within was created and an openness comes through, accepting and allowing of what is with out a fight.
It's a tricky deal letting go, or at least for me but it's one of the greatest lessons one can learn.
Number one letting go of struggle.... People
Number two.... Expectations/the turn out
and number three.... Fear
FEAR: Not Fear of getting hurt physically or fear of The Blair Witch but more, fear of the unknown. Yeah, sounds silly huh? It sounds a bit insane. Fearing something that hasn't happened yet because maybe something similar happened in the past. Well the past is gone and there's no changing the past, believe me, I've tried. Living in the past is like sticking yourself or someone else in a box wrapped in duck-tape and not letting them out. The person in the box can't move, can't grow, can't change. No matter what they do they will still be in a box of Duck-tape and will most likely die a lot sooner too. To live in the past is insanity and make's life a lot duller, less colorful and happy. Memories are great, learning from the past is great but holding on to it or trying to change it.... Insanity. It's gone
Fear is a tricky one that sneaks up on you. You can go through your whole life living in fear and not even know it!! You can huck yourself off cliffs but fear getting close to people. That makes sense...? What fear does is it create's a protection mechanism, doubt in yourself and others, WALLS. Walls between people who love each other, walls between really truly living your life and your dream. A great man told me once something that I FELT was very true, he said "When you protect yourself you hurt yourself." Think about that. How can protecting yourself from the very hurt we don't want to experience actually be what's creating that hurt? Now protecting yourself from physical harm is one thing and that is not what I am talking about. Physical pain yes hurts, but it heals for the most part. It's the pain within that create's these lesson's of "How", "What" and "Why" questions. First you have to be aware of "What" the pain is, Why do I have it and How can I learn and promote change, live outside the box.
I only ask the questions here for you to answer within yourself if you dare to, I dare you. My answers are mine and they come daily. I was asked these similar questions some time ago.
I'm not some teacher here, I'm just writing my thoughts and my thoughts right now are about "How to Love and let go".
What is it like to love and let go??? First off, to love and let go is one and the same. To love you must let go and to let go you must love and that goes for all things. I have always been a seeker of deeper meaning, dissecting my thoughts my emotions and why they were there, where they were coming from and why??? These questions have created a passion for me throughout my life. Passion for living, loving, snowboarding and doing the absolute best that I can. Always wanting more sort to speak. But was I allowing? Was I content? Was I connected? Was I letting go? Not always and therefore I ran into the same walls within myself and others. I don't like walls. I don't like feeling others walls. It is such a disconnect but if that is what is, then so be it. People learn and let go in their own time, allowing others their own process is the only way. I can only make my own changes, not others. My problem has always been that I try too HARD to the point of pushing or control the expectations of the outcome I WANTED for myself and others. I was unconscious of this, still am at times. It's not about controlling the game, the love, the outcome. It's about being allowing of what is without interference, Letting Go and Allowing. This is probably a lesson I will continue to learn throughout my life as life happens. We all get triggered and crash into each other, but we have the choice to learn and grow from these challenges. The choice, not reacting but responding, Not creating divides but togetherness. I believe Love is without conditions, Love is without Rules and Love is without expectations whether in a relationship or saying goodbye to one. For example, Divorce....It rips people and family's apart and why? Is it the divorce or the choices that people make in the event of what has been named divorce. Most divorces are ugly, most break ups end badly but what if we took the good with us and let go through love. Even if the other acts poorly, we all deserve to be loved or have the choice to stay in a loving space within. STOP passing our own pain onto another and work within first. Take responsibility of our own actions and love one another. This would be a step toward ending the fight, the war. This is a step towards peace.
Trust your way through Love and Light, Allow and let go.
With Love, TD
In Dedication to my Dad
Two questions I ask often, WHY?
Come to find out, when you ask WHY, you miss the whole point.
For me letting go has been one of the toughest lessons I have ever invested in. Some people do it with grace while others go deeper and make it more complicated. You read the books, "Be like Water" and all that other "In the Flow of Life" "The New Energy" material and so you "THINK" you know how to do this but again, missing the whole point.
It's like try try trying so hard at something and thinking you have it but your not quite convinced because something just doesn't FEEL right, it's a struggle, or your ego just gets in the way and tells you you got it, you're the shit, then BAM! Smacked down again. But every now and then when you least expect it (if your aware enough to catch it) it happens, you become lighter and it feels good as if it were always there. It's like space within was created and an openness comes through, accepting and allowing of what is with out a fight.
It's a tricky deal letting go, or at least for me but it's one of the greatest lessons one can learn.
Number one letting go of struggle.... People
Number two.... Expectations/the turn out
and number three.... Fear
FEAR: Not Fear of getting hurt physically or fear of The Blair Witch but more, fear of the unknown. Yeah, sounds silly huh? It sounds a bit insane. Fearing something that hasn't happened yet because maybe something similar happened in the past. Well the past is gone and there's no changing the past, believe me, I've tried. Living in the past is like sticking yourself or someone else in a box wrapped in duck-tape and not letting them out. The person in the box can't move, can't grow, can't change. No matter what they do they will still be in a box of Duck-tape and will most likely die a lot sooner too. To live in the past is insanity and make's life a lot duller, less colorful and happy. Memories are great, learning from the past is great but holding on to it or trying to change it.... Insanity. It's gone
Fear is a tricky one that sneaks up on you. You can go through your whole life living in fear and not even know it!! You can huck yourself off cliffs but fear getting close to people. That makes sense...? What fear does is it create's a protection mechanism, doubt in yourself and others, WALLS. Walls between people who love each other, walls between really truly living your life and your dream. A great man told me once something that I FELT was very true, he said "When you protect yourself you hurt yourself." Think about that. How can protecting yourself from the very hurt we don't want to experience actually be what's creating that hurt? Now protecting yourself from physical harm is one thing and that is not what I am talking about. Physical pain yes hurts, but it heals for the most part. It's the pain within that create's these lesson's of "How", "What" and "Why" questions. First you have to be aware of "What" the pain is, Why do I have it and How can I learn and promote change, live outside the box.
I only ask the questions here for you to answer within yourself if you dare to, I dare you. My answers are mine and they come daily. I was asked these similar questions some time ago.
I'm not some teacher here, I'm just writing my thoughts and my thoughts right now are about "How to Love and let go".
Choices |
Trust your way through Love and Light, Allow and let go.
With Love, TD
In Dedication to my Dad
September 11, 2011
Climbing Trees
Oh to be a kid again! Don't get me wrong, I get plenty of play time but its just not the same as climbing a tree, having a random break out of wild skipping, running through a neighbors sprinkler or doing donuts on the grass until you fall down. That's just plain little kid fun and that was my last Saturday with the Dowds. Since I've been "homeless" and staying with friends along my travels I've had the pleasure of getting some serious kid time in with Frankie and Nico and thier parents who are pretty close to big kids as well, when their not working that is. Thank you for opening your lovely home to me and Bud! And damn it, your kids are making me want to have kids....I gotta get out of here! :) 
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